Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Genesis 3.21

As with each new year, one of my goals is to read my Bible daily. And for obvious reasons, I usually start in Genesis.
We were talking in a small group last week about how God's Word is active and alive and speaks to us differently according to where we are and the circumstances we face during that specific season. We may read a verse or passage many times and it not really speak to us, and then all of a sudden, it becomes an "AHA" moment. Such is the verse above.
As I read it this time, God unveiled one of His characteristics like I'd never seen before. The story is a familiar one. Adam and Eve are in the Garden, the serpent persuades Eve to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She does, she gives some to Adam and thus, the first sin is committed. The "aha" moment came when I realized that after God confronts them and sadly explains the consequences of their sin, "The Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife." (Gen. 3.21)
Knowingly disappointed with His creation, His pride and joy,  the very first thing He does is provide a covering for them, taking care of them and showing them The Father's love.
When I sin, I grieve The Father. I know He is disappointed and that there are likely consequences to my sin. However, clothed in the character of Grace, He gives me what I don't deserve...right away, He lavishly loves me and extends kindness to me, just like He did for Adam and Eve.
Thank you, God, for this AHA moment, and the truth that it reveals.

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