Sunday, July 27, 2008


We have had an amazing time in Colorado! It started with an unplanned stop to see our friends, Jan and Glenn, who were stationed with us at our first assignment at Shaw AFB. We had a great time catching up. We then "just happened" to go to the academy at just about the time the cadets were marching back from field training at Jack's Valley. We had no idea this was happening and "just happened " to talk to Austin's mom who told us this was taking place and where to go. We got there in plenty of time and out of all of the cadets, who all are dressed alike and all look alike, we found Austin and Kurt, two of our adopted sons from Centerville!! We were so thrilled! We yelled and cheered for them and I found myself transported back to standing on the sidelines of the track and cross country fields last year cheering Kurt and Eli on in their races. It was SO cool!! In the pictures, you can see that Austin is trying real hard not to laugh; I must have looked quite silly running beside him taking pictures!
We got to Denver and attended Greg and Sharon's 25th Wedding/Renewing of Vows Celebration. What a great time we had catching up with them and their family; we have vacationed with all of them, even Sharon's parents ,in the past and it was good to see so many of our Mexican amigos.
We are heading towards Washington tomorrow, taking 2-3 days to travel.
God is so good and we have been so blessed thus far; we can only anticipate the exciting things He has for us in Washington. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Audra said...

Great pictures! I love the one of the rock. It sounds like you had a great trip.